Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving 05

Turkey Comprises Most of the 'Exit, pursued by a bear' Readership Area

I heart Google Images!

It goes without saying that I'm very thankful that my family is still together. I'm also thankful for my wonderful friends and readers of this blog. So please give your loved ones an extra hug and have a great holiday!


Joe said...

Wow. It even looks like a turkey if you squint right, and imagine a big pile of stuffing tumbling out.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

TeacherRefPoet said...

It looks like the outline of the country of Turkey superimposed on the US for size comparison purposes. Is that what I'm looking at?

Have a great holiday.

lemming said...

Happy Turkey Day - enjoy the pie. Right now I'm about to have thirds of lox and bagels.