Monday, June 27, 2005

Dirt Cake and Other News

Dirt Cake!
Originally uploaded by tommyspoon.
No, my FIL isn't shoveling potting soil at the dinner table. That's Dirt Cake, made by my MIL for Father's Day dinner yesterday. Yes, we celebrated it one week later because they were in Florida over the actual holiday. What's in Dirt Cake? Oh, you know the usual things: crushed Oreo cookies and a creamy filling made of softened cream cheese and chocolate pudding. Did I mention the raisins and chocolate chips inside the cake? Those are the "bugs" in the "dirt". Cute and clever, eh?

Speaking of delayed events: I was cast in "Hauptmann" as Charles Lindbergh. This will be the first historical figure I've ever played, so please offer up any and all good Lindbergh references (I'm looking at you, Lemming and Joe). Why the delay in casting? Well, according to the director, she was torn between going for physical accuracy (tall, lanky, blonde) and acting ability. Now I'm not claiming to be the greatest actor since sliced bread, but I am definitely not tall, lanky, or blonde. While I cannot become tall overnight, I can dye my hair and drop some weight. So, hopefully by September I'll be looking very different. If anyone has any suggestions on dropping poundage, pass them along!


Hugh said...

Big breakfast, lots of exercise. No "dieting".

lemming said...

But was the cake any good?


Bio details to follow via e-mail. Hauptman was a controversial fellow and i'm afraid that I incline toward the more romantic view.

TeacherRefPoet said...

Have you considered reffing basketball? Along with a sensible diet, it worked for me. 30 pounds in about 3 months, believe it or not.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I don't know much about Hauptman, but I always thought Lindbergh was an interesting individual.

re: losing weight
I agree with the no dieting thing. Just cut back on some of the more indulgent foods--like things that have lots of obvious fat or cheese. And up your veggie intake and eat your veggies before your regular meal. (They can fill you up and make not want to eat as much.)

As a daily thing, walk wherever you can if you've got the time. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, eat lunch at your desk and walk on your lunch break (if that's feasible), etc.